Classes (extension) | GUI > Views

ValueView : View : QObject : Object

A class for creating your own customizable GUI or data visualization.
Subclasses: RotaryView

RotaryView, an example of a widget made with ValueView.


A class for creating customizable views associated with one value for designing your own UI and/or for data visualization.

A ValueView stores a value and will draw a representation of that value in whatever way you choose. Similarly, for a view that interacts with multiple values, there is ValuesView.


The view:

Composing your own view

ValueView and ValuesView aren't quite plug-and-play: they're is meant to be subclassed to author a new view/value representation. You'll also subclass ValueViewLayers which define drawing layers with user-assignable properties.

There's a guide to get you up and running: Subclassing ValueView, which explains how to sublcass ValueView, though the process is the same for ValuesView.

There are also two fully functional classes to use and reference:

Class Methods, bounds, spec, initVal)

Create a new ValueView.



A Window or View, in which to embed this view. If nil, a window will be created to hold the view.


A Rect describing the bounds of this view within its parent. If parent is nil, the Rect specifies the dimensions of the newly created Window and its location on the screen.


A ControlSpec that will control the range and warping of your value. -input is the unmapped -value. If nil, a \unipolar spec is created.

NOTE: : The step of the provided ControlSpec will determine the step resolution of the rotary when changing the value with a mouse or arrow key (default is 0, i.e. highest step resolution possible). See RotaryView: Example: radio dial.

The initial -value when the view is first drawn.


Inherited class methods

Instance Methods


.value = val

Get/set the value held by the view, which is the mapped counterpart of the -input (via the -spec).

The new value and corresponding -input will be broadcast to dependents, via \value and \iinput messages, respectively, every time either is set, unless -broadcastNewOnly is true, in which case the values are only broadcast if they differ from their previous state.



A Number. The number will either be constrained or wrapped within the view's -spec, depending on the state of -wrap (default is false, i.e. constrained to the spec.).


.input = normValue

Get/set the input held by the view, which is the unmapped counterpart of the -value (via the -spec), i.e. a value from (0..1). This is useful for updating other UI elements which are often set through normalized values, like Sliders.

The new input and corresponding -value will be broadcast to dependents, via \input and \value messages, respectively, every time either is set, unless -broadcastNewOnly is true, in which case the values are only broadcast if they differ from their previous state.



A Number in the range (0..1), which will be mapped by the -spec to set the value.


.action = actionFunc

Get/set the action to be performed by the view when -valueAction, -inputAction, or -doAction are called.



A Function which will be passed [this, this.value, this.input] as arguments.


.spec_(controlSpec, updateValue: true)

Get/set the ControlSpec used to both map the -input and constrain the -value. Note: the step of the provided controlSpec will determine the step resolution of the view when changing the value with a mouse or arrow key (default is 0, i.e. highest step resolution possible).



A ControlSpec.


A Boolean specifying whether the -value(and -input) should be updated when the new controlSpec is set. Default is true.

Action and Broadcasting

.valueAction = val

Set the value of the view and perform the -action. This also updates the -input by unmapping from the -spec.



A Number in the range of the -spec. Out-of-range values will be clipped to the range of the -spec, unless -wrap is true, in which case the val is wrapped into range.

.inputAction = normValue

Set the input value of the view and perform the -action. This also updates the -value by mapping through the -spec.



A Number in the range of (0..1). Out-of-range inputs will be clipped to the range, unless -wrap is true, in which case the normValue is wrapped into range.

.doAction(newValue: true)

Perform the -action. Usually called through -valueAction or -inputAction.



A Boolean determining whether the actions is performed. Default is true. (In the underlying implementation of -valueAction and -inputAction, this argument is passed the result of newValue != oldValue, i.e. whether the value has changed to signal whether the action should be suppressed according to -supressRepearedAction, hence the name newValue. When calling this method directly, the argument is redundant.)


.suppressRepeatedAction = value

Get/set the Boolean which determines if the -action is performed only when a newly set value differs from its previous state. This applies when calling -valueAction, -inputAction, or -doAction. Default is true (repeated actions are suppressed). See RotaryView: Example: radio dial.


.broadcastNewOnly = value

Get/set the Boolean determining whether dependents are notified when the -input or -value is set but hasn't changed from its previous value. An advantage is that there's less throughput if your view's (unchanged) state is updated rapidly. The disadvantage is that if a new dependent is added, it won't necessarily know the state of the view until the value changes (in which case it would need to access this view's -value and/or -input when it's initialized).

Default is false, i.e. the value and input are always broadcast when set even if the values haven't changed.

Dependents can listen for .changed messages with the keys \value and \input.



.wrap = value

A Boolean determining whether setting out-of-range values are wrapped within the -spec or clipped to its range. Default is false (values are clipped).


.scroll = value

Get/set the Boolean indicating whether the value changes with mouse scrolling. Default is true.


.scrollStep = value

Get/set the step amount when scrolling. Default is 100.reciprocal.


.xScrollDir = value

Get/set the x scroll direction. 1 is left to right scrolling (default), -1 is the reverse.


.yScrollDir = value

Get/set the y scroll direction. -1 is "natural" scrolling (default), 1 is the reverse.


.rangeInPixels = px

Get/set the sensitivity of mouse interaction (and output resolution) by specifying the number of pixels over which the whole view's value range can be covered. Default is 200, i.e. the entire range of possible values will be covered in 200 pixels of movement. This can also be set by -valuePerPixel.


.valuePerPixel = value

Get/set the sensitivity of mouse interaction (and output resolution) by specifying the value change per pixel when interacting with the view through mouse movement. Default is spec.range / 200, i.e. the entire range of possible values will be covered in 200 pixels of movement. This can also be set by -rangeInPixels.


.keyStep = value

Get/set the step amount of each arrow key press, as a percentage of the range of the spec. E.g. keyStep of 30.reciprocal (the default) means it takes 30 key strokes to cover the full value range (warped according to the -spec).


.keyDirLR = value

Get/set the step direction of Left/Right arrow keys. 1 = right increments, left decrements (default). -1 = left increments, right decrements.


.keyDirUD = value

Get/set the step direction of Up/Down arrow keys. 1 = up increments, down decrements (default). -1 = down increments, up decrements.


.mouseMoveAction = value

Get/set the Function performed as the mouse moves over the view after being pressed. The function is passed [this, x, y, modifiers] as arguments (see View: Mouse actions).


.mouseDownAction = value

Get/set the Function performed when the mouse is pressed in the view. The function is passed [v, x, y, modifiers, buttonNumber, clickCount] as arguments (see View: Mouse actions).


.mouseUpAction = value

Get/set the Function performed when the mouse button is released. The function is passed [this, x, y, modifiers, buttonNumber] as arguments (see View: Mouse actions).


.onClose = func

From superclass: View

Set the Function to be executed when the view closes.



A Function. It will be passed this view as an argument.



Refresh the view. If -limitRefresh is true the view will only update at -maxRefreshRate.


.limitRefresh = value

Get/set the Boolean indicating whether the refresh rate should be limited to -maxRefreshRate.


.maxRefreshRate = hz

Get/set the maximum refresh rate of the view when -limitRefresh is true.



A Number that is the max refresh rate of the view.


.autoRefresh = value

A Boolean determining whether the view is refreshed when drawing layer properties are set. Default is true

View Layers


Return the UserView used internally.


Return the drawing layer objects used by this view. Useful for recalling what drawing layers have been designed for the view, though each layer is more likely more conveniently accessed by its instance variable name (which should be designed into the class—see source code for this class).

Inherited instance methods


See RotaryView: Examples.