Overviews (extension) | Green > GFX


GFX system overview


Green effects module system with optional GUI. Modules automatically adapt to any number of channels.

Based on the older redModule in the redSys quark ( )

Provides SynthDef+Synth construction, pseudo UGen support, code<->GUI linkage and automatic GUI generation with minimal code (see Modules folder - basically just an *ar method and some specs - more details: GFX_Module: Writing custom modules).


Start a GFX pitch shifter module on the default server...

A parameter can be changed in several ways:

And this for modules as well as for a rack. So if g instead is a GFX_Rack instance, the commands above will lookup the pch2 module and set its mix value. (If there are several modules of the same type in the rack postfixes will be used.)

Often it's easiest to access and changes parameters using the generated methods method (the 3rd example above). See GFX_Module: Generated methods.

Available parameters and current values can be listed like this...

and parameters can be set like this...

GUI is optional...

and any changes in the GUI is reflected in code and vice versa.

For the effects rack, normally one would select a few modules and put them in a rack...

Class hierarchy

Available GFX classes:

Supporting GUI classes:

Optional GUI

There are two versions. The standard one with knobs (v0) and a more compact one (v1) with sliders and number boxes.

The AbstractGFX: -gui. method has an argument for which version to use.



as UGen
