Classes (extension) | Green > GFX

GFX_Module : AbstractGFX : Object

class for effects


NOTE: It is recommended to instantiate the effect subclasses directly. See Basics below.

Class Methods, bus: 0, lags: 0.1, numChannels: 2, addAction: 'addToTail', args)

GFX_Module.newModule(efx, target, bus: 0, lags: 0.1, numChannels: 2, addAction: 'addToTail', args)

Convenience method for calling .new on some some subclass (efx).





A sorted Array of all subclasses.

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods


An Array with parameter names as symbols. Mainly used internally for generating the GUI. The order is taken from the *ar arguments.


A lowercase String derived from the effect's class name (with GFX_ removed). Mainly used internally for parameter names.


.lags = val

Convenience methods


Show the class definition.

Generated methods

Boolean. Get or set the running state (see Node: -run). Can be used for saving CPU. Modules are then automatically unpaused as soon as the mix parameter is > 0.0. It is also possible to double-click the horizontal label in the GUI to pause and unpause a module.

NOTE: might click with reverb and delay effect modules.

Float. Get or set the dry/wet mix 0.0 - 1.0. Exact method name will depend on class name.

Get or set effect parameters. Exact method names are defined in the *specs class method.

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods

.code(verbose: false)

.gui(position, version: 0)



Writing custom modules

It is fairly easy to add your own custom effect modules. Just follow the following guidelines...

Simple module example class...

See the classes in the folder Modules for more examples.

A properly written class can be used like any other module - including being added to a GFX_Rack, as a SynthDef variant (with optional GUI) or as a pseudo UGen variant...

A special feature is that when used in a rack, a module will be sent the parameter 'feedback'. This is the index of an internal audio bus that is tapped from the rack output pre volume fader. See the GFXFeed module for an example.