Classes (extension) | Undocumented classes

Drone : Object

(Undocumented class)
Source: Drone.sc


This class is missing documentation.

Class Methods

Inherited class methods

Undocumented class methods

Drone.new(hub, tuning, scale, fundamental)

Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods

.addFunc(name, func, time: 1)

.addMIDI(transp: 0, dur)



.amp_(argamp, dur)



.angle = argangle

.auto = bool


.autoTaskDict = value


.chord = argchord

.chordnote_(index, dur)


.createDrone(argtype: 'saw', argtonic: 1, argharmonics: 2, argamp: 0.2, argspeed: 100, arglength: 6, argangle: 0, argdegree: 1, argratio: 1, argenv, argoctave, argnote)


.createSynth(out: 0)


.degree_(argdegree, dur)



.dying = value


.env = envt


.fillColor = argcolor

.freeSynths(releasetime: 0)


.freq_(argfreq, dur)




.harmonics_(argharmonics, dur)


.initDrone(arghub, argtuning, argscale, argfundamental)

.initSynthParams(argtonic, argfreq, argharmonics, argamp, argdegree, argoctave, argenv)


.interval_(arginterval, dur)



.killSynths(releasetime: 0)


.length = arglength



.name = argname


.note_(note, dur)


.octave_(argoctave, dur)

.oppositemove = value

.oscamp = oscamp

.oscfreq = oscfreq


.playDegrees(dur: 0.25, slide: false)

.playRatios(dur: 0.25, slide: false)

.playScale(dur: 0.25, slide: false)


.point = value



.ratio_(argratio, dur)


.recParam(method, min, max, round: 0)

.relAmp_(change: 0, dur: 10)

.relDegree_(change: 0, dur)

.relFreq_(change: 0, dur)

.relLength = change: 0

.relOctave_(change: 0, dur)

.relRatio_(change: 0, dur)

.relRotation = change: 0

.relSpeed = change: 0

.relTonic_(change: 0, dur)




.resonance_(argres, dur)


.rotation = argrotation

.saveScale(name, description: "custom ixi scale")


.scale = argscale




.selected = argsel

.sendAtomChannel(out, bool)

.set( ... args)


.setParam(method, min, max, round: 0)


.speed = argspeed

.startAuto(method, movementarray)

.startMIDI(name, movementarray)




.strokeColor = argcolor





.tonic_(argtonic, dur)

.transpose_(argtuninginterval, dur)


.tuning_(argtuning, dur)



.type_(argtype: 'saw', dur: 0)


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